Two artists/parents/grandparents/suburbanites who wanted to take time off to travel. We sold our house and decided to do just that. After all, the only thing holding you back, is fear and common sense.

Last day in London

On the last day we took the hop-on, hop-off bus that takes you around the city - Sunday is a good day to do it because there is much less traffic. We realized we should have done this the first day as it really gives you your bearings and shows you all the city has to offer. We jumped off to see the National Museum which has an unbelievable collection of famous paintings. It is free (4 quid donation) and it is worth every pence. Most museums have a painting or two by a master like Rembrandt - this museum has a wall full. It is amazing to see the real paintings we studied in text books. Then we walked around the area and found London’s Chinatown and its theater district. We ended the day at a pub/restaurant closer to our hotel and shared a sampler plate with a meat pie, (Monique has returned to the carnivore ways) a hamburger, fish & chips and mushy peas - gotta have your vegg. Feet are tired and we need to pack. An early morning train awaits to take us to Ashford where we pick up the Chunnel train to France. We will return to London some day - we just scratched the surface.

One of the many sights on the bus tour - Ye Olde Cock Tavern - the most narrow bar in London.

One of the many sights on the bus tour - Ye Olde Cock Tavern - the most narrow bar in London.

This is a view of one of the galleries to give you an idea of the spaces. They have whole rooms like this with one or two artists paintings filling the walls. When you see multiple works by one person you get a better idea of their style.

This is a view of one of the galleries to give you an idea of the spaces. They have whole rooms like this with one or two artists paintings filling the walls. When you see multiple works by one person you get a better idea of their style.

This is a very famous Rembrant self-portrait that both Monique and I remembered studying in art school. There were probably 15 paintings by him in this room alone and many other scattered about in other parts of the museum. The collection is mi…

This is a very famous Rembrant self-portrait that both Monique and I remembered studying in art school. There were probably 15 paintings by him in this room alone and many other scattered about in other parts of the museum. The collection is mind boggling.

Trafalgar Square - it has two mirrored fountains outside of the National Museum - it’s a great “people” space.

Trafalgar Square - it has two mirrored fountains outside of the National Museum - it’s a great “people” space.

The hottest ticket in town - too hot for our budget - we might be back when it cools down a bit!

The hottest ticket in town - too hot for our budget - we might be back when it cools down a bit!

The White Cliffs of Dover

Portobello Market