Two artists/parents/grandparents/suburbanites who wanted to take time off to travel. We sold our house and decided to do just that. After all, the only thing holding you back, is fear and common sense.

Picasso, Montmartre, Arc de Triomphe, Champs-Élysées and more Eiffel

We planned a day packed with sightseeing. The weather is perfect. We take a leisurely walk from our hotel to a small green courtyard with four water fountains bubbling and it is enclosed on all sides with typical Paris apartment buildings. We feel lucky that we are in Paris on another beautiful day. We continue our short walk to the Picasso Museum, get our tickets and we are in. This museum has the world’s largest collections of his work. It is organized chronology so it is easy to follow the thoughts of the artist thru his works. We agree he really did have talent. We can navigate the Metro easily now and in a flash we take two trains and pop out at Montmartre station. It is a short walk to the Basilica but it is all up hill. Monique knew about the funicular so we go straight for that - the less steps the better. Our Metro pass works and instantly we ride up. We look for a Rick Steves recommended restaurant for lunch but learn we must go down a small hill and walk back up - wait - no this one over here looks just fine. Great lunch with a salad, pizza and two cold beers. Note: you cannot share a large pizza - each person must have their own. They came as half of a pizza on each plate but it cost a little bit more - when in Rome. The Sacré-Coeur Basilica is a newer church, only 130 years old, but it is still worth the trip. And the views of Paris - WOW. Back down the funicular and onto the train. We jump out at the Eiffel Tower fully knowing you need to reserve tickets in advance but want to see how long the wait would be. Two hours plus - no thanks - quick selfie to send to Paige to congratulate her and Travis of their marriage. Jump a train to go to the Arc de Triomphe before it gets dark. We learn that because it is in the center of a very large roundabout you go down under the street in this strange hallway and come up in the center. FYI, the roundabout has no lane markers so it is everyone for themselves. It looks crazy with horns honking. We also find out we can go to the top - climb the 284 steps in a tight circular staircase - yes please! Many great pictures in every direction. After the sun sets, we go back down and take a lovely stroll on the Champs-Elysées - the full length. Tired from a busy day we head for Metro stop at the end of the boulevard. We have five euros change in our pocket so we buy one Heineken from a street vendor (3 euros) and share it as we walk. We are big spenders alright. Quick train back and the dogs are tired. I am sure the hotel guest heard our snores. 

Woman with Hat is the transposition of a painting from 27 January 1961, the different elements cut out and soldered and Picasso applying a variety of colorful decoration. His work is so inspirational - we left there feeling the need to make some art!

Woman with Hat is the transposition of a painting from 27 January 1961, the different elements cut out and soldered and Picasso applying a variety of colorful decoration. His work is so inspirational - we left there feeling the need to make some art!

We walked 11.29 miles today - the Montmartre funicular saved us some steps - and was free with our metro passes - FUNicular!

We walked 11.29 miles today - the Montmartre funicular saved us some steps - and was free with our metro passes - FUNicular!

A view of Paris from the steps of Sacré-Coeur Basilica. We have had beautiful weather every day since we arrived. It is the perfect temperature and you can see for miles. Just lucky I guess.

A view of Paris from the steps of Sacré-Coeur Basilica. We have had beautiful weather every day since we arrived. It is the perfect temperature and you can see for miles. Just lucky I guess.

Sacré-Coeur (Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris) is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city. It’s both political and cultural - a national penance for the defeat of France in the 1871 Franco-Prussian War and t…

Sacré-Coeur (Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris) is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city. It’s both political and cultural - a national penance for the defeat of France in the 1871 Franco-Prussian War and the socialist Paris Commune of 1871 - crowning its most rebellious neighborhood, and an embodiment of conservative moral order, publicly dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was an increasingly popular vision of a loving and sympathetic Christ.

No pictures allowed - we snapped a few anyway. Interior and the dome at Sacré-Coeur.

No pictures allowed - we snapped a few anyway. Interior and the dome at Sacré-Coeur.

Napoleon commissioned the Arc de Triomphe to commemorate his victory at the 1805 battle of Austerlitz. The last two centuries of Parisian history has played out here - from Napoleon’s funeral to the Nazi occupation to the return of Charles de Gaulle…

Napoleon commissioned the Arc de Triomphe to commemorate his victory at the 1805 battle of Austerlitz. The last two centuries of Parisian history has played out here - from Napoleon’s funeral to the Nazi occupation to the return of Charles de Gaulle after the Allied liberation. 

Looking down on the Champs-Elysées, the most famous boulevard in Paris. We are on top of the Arc de Triomphe (12 euros each but free with our museum pass) enjoying the views in every direction and watching the sun set. Louis XIV opened the first sec…

Looking down on the Champs-Elysées, the most famous boulevard in Paris. We are on top of the Arc de Triomphe (12 euros each but free with our museum pass) enjoying the views in every direction and watching the sun set. Louis XIV opened the first section of the street in 1667. Today it is home to large businesses, celebrity cafes, nightclubs, high-fashion shopping and international people watching. We strolled the full length after dark and it is truly a unique experience.

We are on top of the Arc de Triomphe and the sun is setting - Eiffel Tower lights just came on - about 21:45 pm

We are on top of the Arc de Triomphe and the sun is setting - Eiffel Tower lights just came on - about 21:45 pm

We are on top of the Arc de Triomphe and the sun has set - Champs-Élysées Boulevard - about 22:15 pm. Let's take a walk shall we?

We are on top of the Arc de Triomphe and the sun has set - Champs-Élysées Boulevard - about 22:15 pm. Let's take a walk shall we?

It's a dead man's party

Paris history walk and the Louvre