Two artists/parents/grandparents/suburbanites who wanted to take time off to travel. We sold our house and decided to do just that. After all, the only thing holding you back, is fear and common sense.

Lake Annecy pulls us in again

The fact that is it is Saturday gives us permission to be lazy in the morning, cook ourselves breakfast, have a cuppa and catch up on world events - pretty much the only english speaking channels on TV are news channels. Our only “must do” item is to go to the train / bus station to determine the best way back to Geneva "Aeroport." 

Laying in bed and consulting options with Rick, our guide, we learn about a bus that takes you 30 minutes into the mountains for another luge run and great panoramic views of Mount Blanc - hey we are heading to the station anyway so why not look into it. At the station we learn that the bus is the best way to the Aeroport and are given the timetable. Departure at 10:10am is perfect.

We locate the brochure for the mountain adventure and are quickly directed across the street to their booking office only to find it locked up with a sign that tells you it will reopen again at 15:00. We sit in the shade to decode the the timetables and pickup locations on the brochure while we wait. We learn that the next bus leaves at 15:30. Do we really want to hang around and wait? The paddle boat yesterday was great fun - why not just repeat the day - it’s hot outside and a swim will be hard to beat. Change of plan.

We need supplies so a stop a the supermarket is in order. One big problem, we want to find cold beer. On our train station walk we saw a different supermarket so we stop there. No go, in France the beer is usually sold warm and finding ice is on the level of capturing big foot. We remember a small store with single cans in a cooler. An additional walk is necessary.

On the trek through the old town we run into the Saturday flea market set up on tables in front of the normal storefronts. The already narrow and tight passages get even narrower with a lot of people fighting their way past. We browse a bit, but know we have no room in our bags for “extras”. Finally, we reach our destination and load the beer in with our pretzels, boursen cheese, and assorted nuts and olives.

We walk the same path along the lake as yesterday and notice a large increase in the number of people. The lightbulb goes off - it's Saturday afternoon - crap. The docks where there were plenty of paddle boats the day before are now empty. The place we rented from before was at the far end so we keep our hopes up as we walk.

They are out too. Dave asks how long do they estimate the wait will be. "Very soon, maybe fifteen minutes" Ok we will wait. The sun is hot and we need to swim. About 35 minutes later we are on our way in the paddleboat - we got lucky and got the same one as yesterday - deluxe seating! It’s much windier today, the sail boats are faster and the middle of the lake is choppy so we head back in a bit - the last thing we need is our non-waterproof world falling into the water - the important stuff is in a dry bag I brought from home, but all the same…

The people watching is better today - more volume, but plenty of room for all. Do dogs like paddle boarding? Not sure, but we think maybe. The lake really delivers - it’s crystal clear and so refreshing. Surprisingly it is not super cold - just the right cold - not Lake Michigan cold. We exhaust our supplies and head back in - unfortunately, these boats cost money - and the meter is ticking.

Our guide Rick informs us there is a great place for fondue - Taverne Le Freti - we spied it earlier today in the flea market tangle. We arrive a little before 19:00 and there is a line - oh, they don’t open until 7:00 - no problem. We decide we don’t want a cheese bomb for dinner so we order off the menu - which is in French. This is not the time to be timid and both pick something we hope will be tasty - not brains or something. Our selections turned out to be great - Dave got little square pasta with ham au gratin with a salad and Monique got roasted pork in a wine sauce with a side of polenta au gratin.

At the table next to us was a couple from upstate New York on their honeymoon. We talked a bit and they mentioned they were off to Iceland next - and cashed in on the Icelandic Air “stay over” deal just like we did. As were are constantly reminded - the world is big and small at the same time.

On our way back to the hotel mother nature was putting on a bit of a show - there were clouds over the mountains that were glowing from the sunset - we ran to get some good photos before the show was over. It was a fitting end to a beautiful day.

Lake Annecy France - serving up a perfect day for boating and frolicking.

Lake Annecy France - serving up a perfect day for boating and frolicking.

Fido along for the ride - that looks like fun.

Fido along for the ride - that looks like fun.

4 dudes on a paddleboat - time for some shenanigans.

4 dudes on a paddleboat - time for some shenanigans.

This is the place for CHEESE. Most people order fondue or raclette.

This is the place for CHEESE. Most people order fondue or raclette.

The clouds clinged to the mountains only letting the sun shine in to create this dazzling show.

The clouds clinged to the mountains only letting the sun shine in to create this dazzling show.

Hola Barcelona

Paddle Boat - Yabba Dabba Doo!