Two artists/parents/grandparents/suburbanites who wanted to take time off to travel. We sold our house and decided to do just that. After all, the only thing holding you back, is fear and common sense.

Platform 9 3/4

You’ve got to wake up early if you want to see platform 9 3/4 before the mob of people show up - and the store set’s up the queue to get your “official” expensive picture taken. Platform 9 3/4 is in King’s Cross station, right next to our hotel, so it was easy to do. It is our last day at this hotel (I’m going to miss it), but we must move on. We were going to venture out and stay in a smaller British city, but we couldn’t find any places to stay - everything was booked-up. I guess that’s one disadvantage of trying to be somewhat spontaneous - oh well. So, we will use London as our home base for another 3 days. It’s also laundry day, plus we shipped a birthday box to Trisha and another one home with stuff we didn’t want to lug around anymore.

Kings Cross station - big and busy.

Kings Cross station - big and busy.

Catching the train to Hogwarts.

Catching the train to Hogwarts.

Time to wash our clothes properly (sinks work great for some things…) Google maps saves the day again. 

Time to wash our clothes properly (sinks work great for some things…) Google maps saves the day again. 

Goodbye St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel - I can imagine a flying car whizzing by can't you?

Goodbye St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel - I can imagine a flying car whizzing by can't you?

On our way to the new hotel, we saw the make-shift memorial set up for Darlene Horton, the London stabbing victim - our new hotel is only 2 blocks away. You can notice an increased armed police presence around London - these are the unfortunate real…

On our way to the new hotel, we saw the make-shift memorial set up for Darlene Horton, the London stabbing victim - our new hotel is only 2 blocks away. You can notice an increased armed police presence around London - these are the unfortunate realities of the current time. 

Portobello Market

Downton Abbey fans unite!