Two artists/parents/grandparents/suburbanites who wanted to take time off to travel. We sold our house and decided to do just that. After all, the only thing holding you back, is fear and common sense.

Paris Disney Crushes it!

Fortunately Disneyland Paris has 2 parks. Walt Disney Studios has more “big kid” rides and the longer queue’s to match. There were some new rides here which is always a good thing. Our new favorite ride is Crush’s Coaster. We had no idea what to expect. Basically you are in a turtle shell - you either face forward or backward (we were backward both times) and you are on a roller coaster - so you go fast, you spin, go up down and sideways mostly in the dark - it’s totally unexpected and laugh along fun - unlike anything we have been on. The Ratatouille ride was awesome as well. You have to put on 3-D glasses so I was a bit hesitant, but it was just plain awesome - you get shrunken down to the size of a rat - the 3-d motion doesn’t make you sick like most similar rides - it was really cool. This was the better park in my opinion - I love getting the new ride experiences. We finished the night watching Disney Dreams in the Disneyland Park - along with thousands of other people - all sandwiched in like sardines, sitting on cement with asses and legs loosing circulation. It was worth it though - the combination of music, laser lights, image projection and fireworks made for an amazing show for the senses.

Stomach’s prepare - we are going on some roller coasters!

Stomach’s prepare - we are going on some roller coasters!

Alright soldiers - prepare for landing.

Alright soldiers - prepare for landing.

Crush’s Coaster - one of the best rides ever!

Crush’s Coaster - one of the best rides ever!

You can fly, you can fly, you can fly.

You can fly, you can fly, you can fly.

Disney Dreams - this is the Lion King portion - it was really amazing - props to the design team!

Disney Dreams - this is the Lion King portion - it was really amazing - props to the design team!

Where to stay - the Marais

Mickey Mouse - oui, oui