Two artists/parents/grandparents/suburbanites who wanted to take time off to travel. We sold our house and decided to do just that. After all, the only thing holding you back, is fear and common sense.

Unpack the raincoats - we're in London

Up at 6:00am - caught the flybus to the airport - we had 238 Norwegian Krone left - the bus fare was 230 Krone - mission accomplished again! We were there too early - the carry on bags and boarding passes printed ahead of time make us too efficient - we had to wait an hour to get into the gate. The P Hotel Bergen packed us a sandwich and some “juice?” to go - breakfast. 2 hour flight to London Gatwick, then another 2 hours to get through customs and take the train to St Pancras Station where our new home is. It’s rainy in London - big surprise. We ate something new - a Halloumi burger. It’s a semi-hard chewy, white cheese originating from Cyprus. We were surprised when our burgers showed up white, but we were starving so we dug in - the cheese has the texture of chicken and the lightly salty flavor similar to a cheese curd - these Wisconsinites loved it! On to the British Library to see the Magna Carta, The Gutenberg Bible, Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks, Shakespeare’s First Folio, Charles Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby draft, Jane Austin’s desk, a punk rock exhibit highlighting Britain’s punk rock scene from 40 years ago and so much more. Back to the hotel to rest - tomorrow is a new day.

P Hotel in Bergen - a simple, clean, budget room - cost: $98 a night - paid in cash.

P Hotel in Bergen - a simple, clean, budget room - cost: $98 a night - paid in cash.

St Pancras Renaissance Hotel in London - an opulent, posh, bathrobes and slippers, historic hotel - cost: $110 a night plus 200 points - membership has it’s rewards.

St Pancras Renaissance Hotel in London - an opulent, posh, bathrobes and slippers, historic hotel - cost: $110 a night plus 200 points - membership has it’s rewards.

The busy streets and walkways of London, where raincoats and umbrella’s are standard issue.

The busy streets and walkways of London, where raincoats and umbrella’s are standard issue.

Wandering along and what do we see - a marker identifying the walkway Jubilee.

Wandering along and what do we see - a marker identifying the walkway Jubilee.

Mind the gap

The pot of gold