Two artists/parents/grandparents/suburbanites who wanted to take time off to travel. We sold our house and decided to do just that. After all, the only thing holding you back, is fear and common sense.

Chinon, the home of Jeanne d'ARC

We returned our clothes into their now settled spots within our travel bags and put them into the boot of the car. We were going to go to Mont St-Michael in the morning and then to the town of Chinon in the Loire Valley later in the day. However, our hotel in Bayeux had barely dial-up quality internet which prevented any blog posting or design work being completed. We agreed that making an adjustment to our plan was needed.

With the help of our trusty google maps we enter the new hotel name and drive off into the French countryside. A 3 hour drive and we arrive in Chinon. It is early afternoon. In Chinon, the streets are narrow, very curvy and people share the passage with the cars. It takes mental awareness to navigate this safely. We arrive at the the most unique, old world feeling hotel we have ever seen. We look at each other and smile as they lead us up the stairs with exposed beams and the feel of history everywhere you look. Henry II of England, Richard the Lionheart, and Joan of Arc all lived in this small town. The Gallo-Romans built the first defenses here 1,600 years ago. Charles VII took refuge in the town’s castle during the Hundred Years’ War. And at one time, Chinon was the capital city of France. One more thing, the WiFi at the hotel is state of the art - Très bon! We work a couple of hours then venture out into this quiet town to look for a quick dinner. We find a place but quick was not in their vocabulary. It is a beautiful night so we enjoy the setting. We finally settle the "l'addition" and walk back shooting pictures as we go. We both know this is one place we would come back to some day. Tomorrow we plan on seeing four different chateaus on the east side of Tours and then move into Amboise to see the chateaus to the west. The Louire valley is something special. The history runs deep and you can see it right in front of your eyes.

The benefit of having a car - when you see a field of sunflowers you can pull over and drink it all in.

The benefit of having a car - when you see a field of sunflowers you can pull over and drink it all in.

We have seen a lot of bees here - that’s a good thing!

We have seen a lot of bees here - that’s a good thing!

This sculpture of Jeanne d'ARC bu Jules Rousseau was created around 1893.

This sculpture of Jeanne d'ARC bu Jules Rousseau was created around 1893.

The plane trees along the Loire river are magnificent. We have seen these trees at many of the Chateaus in the Loire Valley.

The plane trees along the Loire river are magnificent. We have seen these trees at many of the Chateaus in the Loire Valley.

Tuck in your elbows - the town square shares real estate with autos.

Tuck in your elbows - the town square shares real estate with autos.

The land of the Chateau

Normandy - American respect In France